Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Meeting of the State Council commission on transport

Taking part in the meeting were Astrakhan Region Governor Igor
Babushkin Babushkin IgorGovernor of Astrakhan Region , Amur Region Governor Vasily Orlov Orlov VasilyGovernor of the Amur Region , Trans-Baikal Territory Governor Alexander
Osipov Osipov AlexanderGovernor of Trans-Baikal Territory , Kursk Region Governor Roman Starovoit Starovoit RomanMinister of Transport of the Russian Federation , Chair of the State Duma
Committee on Transport and Transport Infrastructure Development Yevgeny Moskvichyov,
State Duma deputies, heads of federal and regional executive bodies and their
deputies, as well as representatives of the business community, development
institutions and the expert community.
During the meeting, commission members and representatives of the regions proposed improvements to the national project, and discussed the effectiveness of the measures being implemented at both regional and federal
The meeting participants noted the importance of aligning the national project
with the goals and objectives outlined in the Transport Development Strategy until
2030. It was suggested to base the national project on achieving a harmonious
balance between transportation and economic factors, and to include a federal
project specifically focusing on public passenger transport. The participants also
emphasised the importance of integrating projects across different modes of transportation within the national project.
The recommendations for improving the national project
from commission members and regional representatives will be forwarded to the Government for review.
